Best Practice for Retrofitting Public Buildings in Europe

Abdullahi Ahmed, Monica Mateo-Garcia, Aude de Brébisson, Anders Norberg

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This book illustrates experiences in the RESSEEPE project and serves as guidance to apply the methodology of refurbishment developed within RESSEEPE Project

RESSEEPE is a FP7 EU funded project whose main purpose is to bring together design and decision making tools, innovative building fabric manufacturers and a strong demonstration programme to demonstrate the improved building
performance through retrofitting. The core idea of the RESSEEPE project is to advance technically, adapt, demonstrate and assess innovative retrofit technologies. Reductions in the area of 50% have been achieved regarding energy consumption. A systemic process has also been implemented which allows for the selection of the best possible retrofitting mixes, customised to the needs of the particular building. The retrofitting process has integrated a lot of innovative materials and technologies.

The RESSEEPE framework has been validated and refined by a strong demonstration programme. In the cities of Coventry (UK), Barcelona (Spain) and Skellefteå (Sweden), five public buildings have been retrofitted: two hospitals near Barcelona (Terrassa and Sabadell), two university buildings in Coventry (Richard Crossman and Sir John Laing building) and an upper secondary school in Skellefteå (Balderskolan).

The scientific and technological objectives of RESSEEPE project are the following:
n To set up a diagnosis methodology for an integrated renovation of public edification at building and district level. To initiate innovative development and enhance the state of art retrofit technologies to achieve energy savings in the area of 50%.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCoventry
Number of pages88
ISBN (Print)9781846000737
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jul 2017


  • Low-Energy Retrofit
  • Sustainable Materials
  • Building Performance Evlauation
  • User satisfaction survey
  • Building Performance Modelling
  • building performance diagnostics


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