Authoritarian populism and neo-extractivism in Bolivia and Ecuador: the unresolved agrarian question and the prospects for food sovereignty as counter-hegemony

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    The new economic flows ushered in across the South by the rise of China in particular have permitted some to circumvent the imperial debt trap, notably the ‘pink tide’ states of Latin America. These states, exploiting this window of opportunity, have sought to revisit developmentalism by means of ‘neo-extractivism’. The populist, but now increasingly authoritarian, regimes in Bolivia
    and Ecuador are exemplars of this trend and have swept to power on the back of anti-neoliberal sentiment. These populist regimes in Bolivia and Ecuador articulate a sub-hegemonic discourse of national developmentalism, whilst forging alliances with counterhegemonic groups, united by a rhetoric of anti-imperialism, indigenous revival, and livelihood principles such as buen vivir. But
    this rhetorical ‘master frame’ hides the class divisions and real motivations underlying populism: that of favouring neoextractivism, principally via sub-imperial capital, to fund the ‘compensatory state’, supporting small scale commercial farmers through reformism whilst largely neglecting the counterhegemonic aims, and reproductive crisis, of the middle/lower
    peasantry, and lowland indigenous groups, and their calls for food sovereignty as radical social relational change. These tensions are reflected in the marked shift from populism to authoritarian populism, as neo-extractivism accelerates to fund ‘neodevelopmentalism’ whilst simultaneously eroding the livelihoods
    of subaltern groups, generating intensified political unrest. This paper analyses this transition to authoritarian populism particularly from the perspective of the unresolved agrarian question and the demand by subaltern groups for a radical, or counter-hegemonic, approach to food sovereignty. It speculates whether neo-extractivism’s intensifying political and ecological contradictions can foment a resurgence of counter-hegemonicmobilization towards this end
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)626-652
    Number of pages27
    JournalJournal of Peasant Studies
    Issue number3
    Early online date25 Mar 2019
    Publication statusPublished - 16 Apr 2019

    Bibliographical note

    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Peasant Studies on 25/03/2019, available online:

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    • authoritarian populism
    • Bolivia
    • counter-hegemony
    • Ecuador
    • food sovereignty
    • Populism

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Cultural Studies
    • Anthropology
    • Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)


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