Are we assessing motor competence? Evidence-informed constructs for motor competence in preschoolers through an Exploratory Graph Analysis

Paulo Felipe Ribeiro Bandeira, Luís Filipe Lemos, Isaac Estevan, Elisabeth Kipling Webster, Cain Truman Clark, Michael Joseph Duncan, Jorge Augusto Mota, Clarice Lucena Martins

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Motor competence (MC) is conceptually defined as a multidimensional latent construct that covers the proficient performance in motor skills and its underlying mechanisms This study aimed to statistically provide arguments that MC is a network of interconnected constructs, such as FMS, coordination, and its underlying mechanisms, which are responsible for preschoolers’ proficiency in motor tasks. Participated 102 preschoolers (65 girls, M age = 4.22 ± 0.19) who were assessed for the Test of Gross Motor Development − 2 nd edition, the Motor Competence Assessment, and the Supine-to-Stand. Data were explored using Exploratory Graph Analysis, using the EGAnet package in RStudio. A four-dimensional structure (61.2% of interactions) comprising tasks of the different protocols was underlined, in which all the nodes presented stable and adequate indexes (≥0.65; TEFI = –2.67). Four dimensions of MC were highlighted, namely Dimension 1, which combined movements for locomotor patterns; Dimension 2, comprising three process-oriented measures of object control skills to project objects; Dimension 3, which comprised of skills which require body coordination to displace body through space; and Dimension 4, composed by object control skills evaluated through product-oriented measures. For a better understanding of MC, the assessment of these different aspects that comprises MC should be considered.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)(In-Press)
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Sports Sciences
Early online date15 Oct 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 15 Oct 2024


  • Exploratory Graphs Analysis
  • Fundamental movement skills
  • assessment
  • complex systems
  • preschoolers


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