Applying a supervised ANN (artificial neural network) approach to the prognostication of driven wheel energy efficiency indices

H. Taghavifar, A. Mardani

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55 Citations (Scopus)


This paper examines the prediction of energy efficiency indices of driven wheels (i.e. traction coefficient and tractive power efficiency) as affected by wheel load, slippage and forward velocity at three different levels with three replicates to form a total of 162 data points. The pertinent experiments were carried out in the soil bin testing facility. A feed-forward ANN (artificial neural network) with standard BP (back propagation) algorithm was practiced to construct a supervised representation to predict the energy efficiency indices of driven wheels. It was deduced, in view of the statistical performance criteria (i.e. MSE (mean squared error) and R2), that a supervised ANN with 3-8-10-2 topology and Levenberg–Marquardt training algorithm represented the optimal model. Modeling implementations indicated that ANN is a powerful technique to prognosticate the stochastic energy efficiency indices as affected by soil-wheel interactions with MSE of 0.001194 and R2 of 0.987 and 0.9772 for traction coefficient and tractive power efficiency. It was found that traction coefficient and tractive power efficiency increase with increased slippage. A similar trend is valid for the influence of wheel load on the objective parameters. Wherein increase of velocity led to an increment of tractive power efficiency, velocity had no significant effect on traction coefficient.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)651-657
Number of pages7
Early online date7 Feb 2014
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • ANN
  • Energy efficiency
  • Traction coefficient
  • Tractive power efficiency


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