Antenna Response Consistency Driven Self-supervised Learning for WIFI-based Human Activity Recognition

Ke Xu, Jiangtao Wang, Hongyuan Zhu, Dingchang Zheng

Research output: Working paper/PreprintPreprintpeer-review

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Self-supervised learning (SSL) for WiFi-based human activity recognition (HAR) holds great promise due to its ability to address the challenge of insufficient labeled data. However, directly transplanting SSL algorithms, especially contrastive learning, originally designed for other domains to CSI data, often fails to achieve the expected performance. We attribute this issue to the inappropriate alignment criteria, which disrupt the semantic distance consistency between the feature space and the input space. To address this challenge, we introduce \textbf{A}ntenna \textbf{R}esponse \textbf{C}onsistency (ARC) as a solution to define proper alignment criteria. ARC is designed to retain semantic information from the input space while introducing robustness to real-world noise. Moreover, we substantiate the effectiveness of ARC through a comprehensive set of experiments, demonstrating its capability to enhance the performance of self-supervised learning for WiFi-based HAR by achieving an increase of over 5\% in accuracy in most cases and achieving a best accuracy of 94.97\%.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 10 Oct 2023


  • Self-supervised Learning
  • Channel state information
  • Wireless Sensing


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