An integrated approach to measuring the whole journey traveller experience

O. Cats, Y. Susilo, R. Hrin, Andree Woodcock, M. Diana, E. Speicyte, E. O'Connell, C. DiMajo, V. Tolio, P. Bellver, M. Hoppe

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    Transport authorities and providers use various standardized indicators in order to evaluate the system performance. The main objective of this study is to identify the most significant variables that describe travellers’ satisfaction. An original survey and stakeholder consultation were conducted across Europe. The relations between overall satisfaction and travel experience variables, subjective well-being indices, travel-related attitudes as well as individual- and trip- specific attributes were investigate d for individual trip stages as well as the whole journey experience. The segmentation of the population into distinguished travellers’ groups revealed distinctively different sets of main determinants of their satisfaction with various trip stages. The results of this survey will facilitate the development of a traveller satisfaction measurement tool.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    EventTransport Research Arena 2014: Transport Solutions: from Research to Deployment - Innovate Mobility, Mobilise Innovation - Paris, France
    Duration: 14 Apr 201417 Apr 2014


    ConferenceTransport Research Arena 2014

    Bibliographical note

    The full text is available free from the link given.


    • Multimodal
    • Satisfaction
    • Travellers groups
    • Travel experience


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