"An adventure that went wrong": Reasons given by convicted perpetrators of multiple perpetrator sexual offending for their involvement in the offense

Teresa Ferraz-da-Silva, Jessica Woodhams, Leigh Harkins

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There is little empirical research examining the reasons behind multiple perpetrator sexual offending. A limited number of studies provide reasons for offending offered by perpetrators of this type of sexual violence, but only one published study exists where these perpetrators were interviewed regarding their offense. The Multi-Factorial Model of Multiple Perpetrator Sexual Offending (MPSO) proposed that various factors (individual, socio-cultural, and situational) play a role in this type of sexual assault, noting in particular the importance of group dynamics and processes. In the current study, 25 convicted perpetrators of multiple perpetrator sexual offending housed in educational centers and prisons in Portugal were interviewed about their involvement and reasons for participating in the offense. The findings suggested that group processes and dynamics play an important part in this type of sexual offending. Furthermore, the results provided some evidence to support the factors proposed by the Multi-Factorial Model of MPSO. These findings have implications for prevention and treatment programs, and for the assessment of offenders.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)443–456
JournalArchives of Sexual Behavior
Issue number2
Early online date7 Aug 2017
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2018


  • Multiple perpetrator rape
  • interviewing sex offenders
  • group sex offending
  • group rape
  • multiple perpetrator sexual offending


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