
Niall Curry

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Education, as both a field of research and practice, is in a perpetual state of development. Ever-governed by a combination of social, political, economic, and ecological factors, the challenges contemporary education poses both educators and researchers spark a need to understand how to work well within this evolving system. As this book prefaces, the COVID-19 pandemic was one such challenge that played a critical role in spurring on the evolution of online pedagogies. Social requirements to distance during the COVID-19 pandemic, political obligations to follow lockdown protocols, economic responsibilities to deliver quality education for students at a distance, and a need for a deeper understanding of teachers’ and students’ learning ecologies epitomise pandemic and crisis pedagogies.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOnline pedagogy and the student experience
Subtitle of host publicationTeaching applied linguistics and beyond
EditorsMaria Leedham, Caroline Tagg, Jackie Tuck
ISBN (Print)9780335251896, 0335251897
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jun 2023


  • digital pedagogy
  • Online teaching
  • applied linguistics


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