Addressing ‘value’ concerns with advocacy research: Dance education in the UK

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter offers a critical examination of the concept of ‘value’ in relation to dance education in the United Kingdom during a period characterised by heightened uncertainty. Against the backdrop of governmental budgetary cuts, the seismic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the complex repercussions of Brexit, this writing explores evolving perceptions of dance education, linked to held values and necessitated advocacy. Drawing upon the personal experiences and reflections of a researcher who transitioned from dance teacher to academic investigator, this chapter engages in an exploration of debates that have developed within this shifting terrain. It draws upon unpublished writing by the author (2010; 2016) and updates it by drawing upon more recent academic discourse and the implications of global and national activity for dance research scholars. By navigating debates concerning the concept of value(s) and of advocacy in dance research, the chapter aims to assess the vulnerabilities of dance education research in the UK but also its capacity for resilience and innovation in the face of uncertainty. Ultimately, this chapter invites readers to contemplate the purpose and perceived value of dance education and research, in a context and time defined by flux and ambiguity.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHandbook of Dance Education Research
EditorsLynnette Overby, Billie Lepczyk, Jill Green
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 26 Apr 2024


  • Value
  • Dance
  • Advocacy
  • Inclusion
  • UK


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