A Shadow that Falls

Tom Williams (Composer)

    Research output: Practice-Based and Non-textual ResearchComposition

    42 Downloads (Pure)


    A Shadow that Falls is composed for the French percussionist Thierry Miroglio. It is for specified unpitched percussion and an electroacoustic fixed media part built from transformed unpitched percussion recordings of Miroglio. There is no conventional written score to perform, instead there is a ‘listening score’. The percussionist improvises responding both to the fixed media and to the ‘listening’ track, which only they can hear on an earpiece. The listening track is spoken text extracted from the poem ‘Shadow’ by the English contemporary poet Alice Oswald. These words are a musical catalyst for the player to intuit their performance. There is a sense of revealing and unfolding, of emptiness, of mindfulness in the performance. The work requires no music stand and, where possible, asks for special low lighting to generate silhouettes (shadows) behind the performer.
    Original languageEnglish
    Media of outputScore plus media
    Size10 minutes
    Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2019
    EventThe 20th MUSICACOUSTICA-BEIJING 2019 - Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, China
    Duration: 22 Oct 201927 Oct 2019


    • Electroacoustic Music
    • percussion
    • listening
    • Improvisation


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