A Numerical Method to Compute Brain Injury Associated to Concussion

C. Bastien, A. Scattina, C. Neal-Sturgess, R. Panno, V. Shrinivas

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This research proposes a new a numerical method to compute brain injury associated with concussion using the Peak Virtual Power method, using the THUMS 4.02 head model. The results indicate that mild and severe concussions could be prevented for lateral collisions and frontal impacts with PVP values lower than 0.928mW and 9.405mW, respectively, and no concussion would happen in the head vertical direction for a PVP value less than 1.184mW. This innovative method proposes a new paradigm to improve helmet designs, assess sports injuries and improve people's wellbeing.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
Publication statusSubmitted - 25 Oct 2022


  • q-bio.QM
  • physics.bio-ph
  • q-bio.TO
  • Concussion
  • Brain distortion
  • Peak Virtual Power
  • THUMS 4.02


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