Enabling and translating advances in diagnostic and communication technologies to reduce the burden of STIs (eSTI2). [FUNDER: UKCRC Strategic Grant].

  • Sadiq, Syed Tariq (Principal Investigator)
  • Szczepura, Ala (Co-Investigator)
  • Balachandran, W. (Co-Investigator)
  • Sonnenberg, Pam (Co-Investigator)
  • Estcourt, Claudia S (Principal Investigator)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    PROJECT FUNDING: UKCRC Strategic Grant £3.93 million

    This research programme joins together microbiologists, biotechnologists, telecommunications partners, human technology interface experts, clinicians, Health Protection Agency, National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP), and health scientists, working closely with industry collaborators.

    eSTI2 aims to reduce the impact of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) by developing, evaluating and deploying simple to use, rapid, accurate, polymicrobial and affordable micro-diagnostics that can be networked through mobile phones. Clinical management and follow up of individuals who test using these technologies will be possible using remote management pathways “eSexual Health clinics”, embedded within NHS sexual health services.

    Professor Ala Szczepura (Coventry) is leading early-health technology assessment (e-HTA), including modelling of the cost-effectiveness of national implementation and Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) to quantify young people’s preferences for the new technology.
    Short titleeSTI2
    Effective start/end date1/09/101/02/17

    Collaborative partners

    • Coventry University
    • Brunel University
    • St George's University of London (lead)
    • University College London
    • Queen Mary University of London
    • Glasgow Caledonian University


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