Arrival infrastructures and migrant newcomers in European cities

  • Wessendorf, Susanne (Principal Investigator)
  • Arnaut, Karel (Co-Investigator)
  • Hanhörster, Heike (Co-Investigator)
  • Monson, Tamlyn (Project Delivery Support)
  • Gembus, Malte (Researcher)
  • Mareels, Elisabeth (Researcher)
  • Meeus, Bruno (Researcher)
  • Nessler, Miriam (Researcher)

Project: Research

Project Details


Arrival Infrastructures and Migrant Newcomers in European Cities (AIMEC) investigates how newcomers in European cities find information about settlement, and how long-established residents, including those with a migration background, support newcomers. It examines so-called ‘arrival areas’ where migrants have been arriving over many decades and where ‘arrival infrastructures’ have emerged. These include civil society organisations supporting migrants, places of worship which welcome migrants, as well as small businesses such as barbers, grocery shops and money transfer agencies which are run by longer-established migrants. The project examines the role played by these arrival infrastructures in providing information about settlement to newcomers. It investigates these processes in East London, Brussels and Dortmund.
Short titleAIMEC
Effective start/end date1/03/2131/08/24

Collaborative partners

  • Coventry University (lead)
  • ILS – Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development
  • KU Leuven


  • migration, integration, inclusion, exclusion, arrival, infrastructures, cities


  • Migration (In)Equality and Belonging
  • Equality and Inclusion


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