Accepting PhD Students

    PhD projects

    Professor Guney welcomes applications in the fields of corporate finance and corporate governance, especially those considering the use of the methods within artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data.

    Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

    Research activity per year

    Personal profile

    Research Interests

    He specifically examines the financing decisions of non-financial companies. Professor Guney has extensively investigated how a business chooses between long-term and short-term debt; between share capital and loan capital; between public debt and private debt as well as how companies determine their cash holdings. He has been working on the association of firm performance with investment inefficiencies and with CEO compensation; corporate hedging decisions; interrelations among corporate social, environmental and financial performance; the impact of managerial overconfidence on financial and financing decisions in a behavioural corporate finance context. Professor Guney’s research interests further include corporate ownership structure, corporate payout policies (cash dividends, share repurchases), the joint analysis of capital expenditure and R&D investments, success rate of mergers &acquisitions deals, cost of capital, market timing, alternative corporate governance quality measures, and the link between IPOs and SEOs.


    Teaching experience: 
    • Undergraduate: Management Accounting; International Finance Business Control Business Accounting Business Finance Current Issues in Financial Management; Research Methods (Hong Kong); Independent Study, Dissertations.
    • Postgraduate: Introduction to Financial Management; International Finance and Investments. Research Methods; Financial Analysis; Foundations of Finance, Corporate Financial Management, Quantitative Techniques in Finance and Investments; International Finance and Investments; Risk Management and Valuation.
    • Executive MBA-DL: Accounting and Finance for Managers (Singapore, Bahrain, Oman, Hong Kong). MBA- Distance Learning: Financial Management (Greece).
    • PhD programme: Constructing Systematic Literature Review.
    • Work-based Learning: Introduction to Management Accounting.
    • Supervision of undergraduate (BSc) and postgraduate (MSc and MBA) dissertations.


     Conference Papers:

    • 2023 European Financial Management Association, Cardiff, Wales.

    - Does governance quality matter in financial intermediation? A comparison between bank and insurance companies (with S. Kabir, M. Uddin, R. Hasan and M. Duygun).

    - CEO ability, CEO reputation and corporate financial fraud: International evidence (with Z. Wu).

    • 2023 Financial Management Association Conference, Aalborg, Denmark.                -Cost of equity and CEOs investment horizon (with H. Ahmed and W. Gomaa).
    • 2022 EBCA Conference (Behavioural and Cognitive Approaches in Entrepreneurship), University of Bath, England.

    - Survival of the fittest: what entrepreneurial factors determine the disadvantaged start-ups performance during economic downturns? (with A. Khorasgani).

    • 2022 World Finance Conference, Turin, Italy

    -Tax saving or rent extraction: evidence from tax avoidance (with J. Wang and Y. Ye).

    • 2022 International Finance and Banking Society, Naples, Italy.

    -Does governance quality matter in financial intermediation? A comparison between bank and insurance companies (with S. Kabir, M. Uddin, R. Hasan and M. Duygun).

    • 2022 British Accounting and Finance Association, Nottingham, England.

    -Social responsibility, green decisions and firm performance: international evidence (with M. Duygun and F. Zafar).

    - Tax saving or rent extraction: evidence from tax avoidance (with J. Wang and Y. Ye)

    • 2021 Financial Management Association Conference, Limassol, Cyprus.

    - Volatility spillover between the oil market and stock market: evidence from oil revenue-dependent countries (with S. Tahir and T. Choudhry

    •  2020 Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, Bangkok, Thailand.

    - Volatility hedging mechanism for crude oil export revenue dependent countries (with S. Tahir and T. Choudhry). 

    • 2019 INFINITI Conference in the Asia-Pacific, Tianjin, China.

    - Do IPOs performance signal future stock issuance? The role of state-owned enterprises in the process (with D. Gounopoulos, J. Leng and V. Patsika),

    • 2019 Paris Financial Management Conference, Paris, France.

    -The role of corporate governance, agency conflicts and asymmetric information on corporate hedging decisions (with H. Ahmed).

    • 2019 European Convention in Quantitative Methods and Risk Management, University of Nottingham, UK.

    -The effectiveness of hedging decisions of listed UK firms (with H. Ahmed and R. Fairchild).

    • 2019 Financial Engineering and Banking Society, Prague, Czech Republic.

    -Factors affecting stocks repurchases: evidence from Indonesia (with A. Moin and I. El-Kalak).

    • 2019 British Accounting and Finance Association, Birmingham, England.

    -Managerial overconfidence and cash holdings: evidence from Vietnam (with T. Dao).

    • 2019 International Conference on Banking, Finance and Business, Muscat, Oman.

    -Do dividends provide information about earnings? Theory and evidence from a unique environment (with R. Fairchild, K. Al Yahyaee, A. Al-Ghazali).

    • 2018 International Finance and Banking Society, Porto, Portugal.

          -Credit risk and liquidity risk in the banking sector (with A. Al Ismaili and A. Andrikopoulos).

          -Distressed banks and financial stability: evidence from developing and emerging economies (with A. Karapappas, A. Andrikopoulos and M. Duygun).

    • 2018 Vietnam International Conference in Finance, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

    -Managerial overconfidence and cash holdings: evidence from Vietnam (with T. Dao).

    • 2018 African Finance Journal Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

    -The effects of board attributes on corporate performance: evidence from East African frontier markets (with G. Komba).

    • 2018 European Convention in Quantitative Methods and Risk Management, University of Hull, UK.

    The effectiveness of hedging decisions of listed UK firms (with H. Ahmed and R. Fairchild).

    - Untangling the corporate governance discourse in risk management and trust issues among accounting professionals (with E. Hernandez-Perdomo and R. Attah-Boakye).

    • 2018 British Accounting and Finance Association, London, England.

        -Managerial overconfidence, dividend policy and corporate governance: evidence from UK companies (with A. Al-Ghazali and R. Fairchild).

    -Credit risk and liquidity risk in banking sector: Islamic, hybrid, and conventional banks (with A. Al Ismaili and A. Andrikopoulos).

    • 2017 Financial Engineering and Banking Society, Glasgow, Scotland.

        -Competition, ownership and financial stability: the role of distressed banks in developing and emerging markets (with A. Karapappas and A. Andrikopoulos).

      - The relevance of financial distress, zero leverage and CEO overconfidence for suboptimal cash holdings policies (with I. El Kalak).

    • 2017 Multinational Finance Society, Bucharest, Romania.

    The Effect of Hedging on Implied Cost of Equity: Evidence from the UK Firms (H. Ahmed).

    • 2017 Behavioural Finance Working Group Conference, London, England.

       -The determinants of equity market timing: evidence from IPOs and SEOs in Thailand (with R. Hudson and C. Kumpamool).

    • 2016 Portsmouth-Fordham Conference on Banking & Finance, Portsmouth, England.

    Managerial overconfidence, payout policy and corporate governance: evidence from UK companies (with A. Al-Ghazali and R. Fairchild).

    Does managerial overconfidence result in higher or lower dividends? A game-theoretic analysis (with A. Al-Ghazali and R. Fairchild).

    • 2016 International Finance and Banking Society, Barcelona, Spain.

    Conducting an IPO with an SEO in mind: evidence from China (with D. Gounopoulos and J. Leng).

    Investor Sentiment and Financial Entanglement in Bond and Stock Markets (with D. Gounopoulos and N. Paltalidis).

    • 2016 Financial Management Association, Helsinki, Finland.

    R&D investment and revolving credit (with A. Karpuz and N. Ozkan).

    • 2016 Multinational Finance Society, Stockholm, Sweden.

    R&D investment and revolving credit (with A. Karpuz and N. Ozkan).

    • 2015 Chinese Economic Association (Europe/UK) Conference, Beijing, China.

    Static and dynamic approaches testing eclectic paradigm: evidence of EU manufacturing firms investment decisions in China (with H. Cai and B. Wei).

    • 2015 European Financial Management Association, Breukelen, Netherlands.

    Agency conflicts and hedging financial risks decisions: evidence on corporate governance influence (with H. Ahmed and A. Azevedo).

    • 2015 World Finance Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    Which derivatives should firms use? Evidence from the UK (with H. Ahmed and A. Azevedo).

    • 2014 Portuguese Finance Network Conference, Algarve, Portugal.

    The determinants and the effectiveness of the IPO allocation mechanisms in China (with A. Azevedo and T. Xu).

    • 2014 Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association, Volos, Greece.

    The link between IPOs and SEOs and factors affecting SEO issues in Chinese stock market (with D.  Gounopoulos and T. Xu).

    • 2014 Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, USA.

    EU firms’ FDI decisions in China: static and dynamic approaches testing eclectic paradigm (with H. Cai).

    • 2014 Financial Engineering and Banking Society, Guildford, England.

    -     Managerial overconfidence, dividend policy and corporate governance: evidence from UK companies (with A. Al-Ghazali and R. Fairchild).

    -  The interrelation between IPOs and SEOs in China (with D. Gounopoulos and T. Xu).

    • 2014 Financial Management Association, Maastricht, Netherlands.

    The link between IPOs and SEOs and factors affecting SEO issues in Chinese stock market (with D. Gounopoulos and T. Xu).

    • 2014 World Finance Conference, Venice, Italy.

    The determinants and the effectiveness of the IPO allocation mechanisms in China (with A. Azevedo and T. Xu).

    • 2014 British Accounting and Finance Association, London, England.

    Managerial overconfidence, dividend policy and corporate governance: evidence from UK companies (with A. Al-Ghazali and R. Fairchild).

    • 2014 European Financial Management Association, Rome, Italy.

    The effect of hedging on firm value and performance: evidence from the UK non-financial firms (with H. Ahmed and A. Azevedo).

    • 2013 Financial Management Association, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.

    Business cycles and leverage in UK firms: a theoretical and empirical analysis (with R. Fairchild).

    • 2013 Academy of International Business, Istanbul, Turkey.

    Ownership structure and firm performance: evidence from EU subsidiary panel study in China (with H. Cai).

    • 2013 Strategic Management Society, Atlanta, USA.

    MNC ownership performance: evidence from EU subsidiary panel study in China (with H. Cai).

    • 2013 European Financial Management Association, Reading, England.

    -     Business cycles and leverage in UK firms: a theoretical and empirical analysis (with R. Fairchild).

    • 2013 Multinational Finance Society, Izmir, Turkey.

    Do credit ratings affect underpricing and volatility? Evidence from Chinese IPOs (with D. Gounopoulos and T. Xu).

    The effect of hedging on firm value and performance: evidence from the UK non-financial firms (with H. Ahmed and A. Azevedo).

    • 2012 British Academy of Management, Cardiff, Wales.

    Innovative capability in MNC subsidiaries: evidence from a panel study (with H. Cai).

    • 2012 International Finance and Banking Society, Valencia, Spain.

    The effect of asset securitization on credit risk: evidence from the UK (with C. Liu and J. Nuri).

    • 2012 Academy of International Business, Washington D.C., USA.

    Heterogeneous effect of ethnic networks on international trade of Thailand: the role of family ties and ethnic diversity (with J. Duanmu).

    • 2012 Multinational Finance Society, Krakow, Poland.

    Capital structure and market timing in the UK: deviation from target leverage and security issue choice (with H. Iqbal-Hussain).

    • 2012 Financial Management Association, Istanbul, Turkey.

    Capital structure and market timing in the UK: deviation from target leverage and security issue choice (with H. Iqbal-Hussain).

    • 2011 European Financial Management Association, Braga, Portugal.

    Equity mispricing, financial constraints, market timing and targeting behavior of companies (with H. Iqbal-Hussain).

    • 2011 Eastern Finance Association, Savannah, USA.

    Capital structure and equity market timing: empirical evidence from IPOs and SEOs in the UK (with H.Iqbal-Hussain).

    • 2011 International Finance and Banking Society, Rome, Italy.

    Equity mispricing, market timing and targeting behaviour: empirical evidence from UK (with H. Iqbal-Hussain).

    • 2010 Behavioural Finance Conference, BFWG, London, England.

    Capital structure and IPO market timing in the UK (with H. Iqbal-Hussain).

    • 2010 Financial Management Association, Hamburg, Germany.

    -The relationship between corporate social and financial performance: do endogeneity, non-linearity and adjustment issues matter? (with A. Schilke).

    • 2010 Academy of International Business, Dublin, Ireland.

    Determinants of EU foreign direct investment in China: a firm-level panel study, 1998-2007 (with H. Cai).

    • 2009 Financial Management Association, Xiamen, China.

    An empirical examination of corporate dividend policy: evidence from an emerging market (with R. Fairchild and Y. Thanatawee).

    • 2008 Global Finance Association Conference, Hangzhou, China.

    The relationship between product market competition and capital structure in Chinese listed firms (with R. Fairchild and L. Li).

    • 2007 Academy of International Business, Indianapolis, USA.

    A panel data analysis of locational determinants of Chinese and Indian outward foreign direct investment (with J. Duanmu).

    • 2005 Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia.

    Financial systems and the determinants of capital structure (with A. Antoniou and K. Paudyal).

    • 2005 International Conference on Business, Hawaii, USA.

    New insights on the importance of agency costs for corporate debt maturity decisions (with A. Ozkan).

    • 2004 Global Finance Association Conference, Las Vegas, USA.

    The determinants of corporate debt ownership structure: evidence from market-based and bank-based economies (with A. Antoniou and K. Paudyal).

    • 2004 European Financial Management Association, Basel, Switzerland.

    The determinants of corporate debt ownership structure: evidence from market-based and bank-based economies (with A. Antoniou and K. Paudyal).

    • 2004 Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia.

    The relationship between firm performance, overinvestment, and leverage: evidence from UK and US firms (with H. Hamadi and J. Nuri).

    • 2003 European Finance Association, Glasgow, Scotland.

    The determinants of corporate debt maturity (with A. Antoniou and K. Paudyal).

    • 2003 British Accounting Association, London, England.     

    The determinants of corporate debt maturity (with A. Antoniou and K. Paudyal).

    • 2003 Financial Management Association, Dublin, Ireland.

    The determinants of corporate debt maturity (with A. Antoniou and K. Paudyal).

    • 2003 European Financial Management Association, Helsinki, Finland.

    Additional international evidence on corporate cash holdings (with A. Ozkan and N. Ozkan).

    The determinants of corporate debt maturity (with A. Antoniou and K. Paudyal).

    • 2002 International Conference in Economics, Ankara, Turkey.

    Debt maturity structure and equity ownership (with A. Ozkan).

    • 2002 European Financial Management Association, London, England.  

    Determinants of corporate capital structure: evidence from European countries (with A. Antoniou and K. Paudyal).


    Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

    In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

    • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
    • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
    • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

    Education/Academic qualification

    Finance, Doctorate, University of Durham


    Award Date: 13 Dec 2002

    Finance, MSc, University of Durham


    Economics, Middle East Technical University


    External positions

    External examiner , Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University

    1 Jan 202131 Dec 2024

    Associate editor, Uongozi Journal of Management and Development Dynamics (Tanzania)

    2020 → …

    Visiting Scholar, Istanbul Medeniyet University

    2019 → …

    External examiner, University of York


    Regional (European) Editor: International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance

    2008 → …


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