Projects per year
Personal profile
After receiving my BSc (Hons) Psychology at the University of Leeds, and completing a Postgraduate Certificate in Social Science Research Methods at the Open University, I began working as a researcher at Coventry University’s Health Design and Technology Institute (HDTI) whilst completing an MSc in Assistive Technology. I am now working as a Design Manager at Coventry University, based in the Centre for Healthcare and Communities, but suppporting a range of health focused centres. Within this role I specialising in managing technology product and service design through user-centred techniques such as co-creation, co-production, usability studies, focus groups and interviews, and utilising rapid prototyping to support data collection and idea exploration with users. I have extensive research experience with a wide range of technology stakeholders including patients, carers, and clinicians in both national and international settings.
Area of Expertise:
- Qualitative research - interviews, focus groups
- Design research - co-creation, co-design, usability, prototyping, product evaluation, product design, service design
- Areas of interest - user-centred design, health technologies, sensor based technologies, artifical intelligence, ethics of technology, development of the evidence base for co-creation research
Co-creating Wellbeing: Funded by Erasmus+, this is a pedagogical focused project developing educational and vocational materials for people co-creating in wellbeing settings. This includes health, education, welfare, sport, youth and social services. As part of the Co-creating Wellbeing project, we are also developing COcreation REporting GuidelineS (CORES), to enable effective reporting and evaluation of co-creation projects.
PostUraL tachycardia Syndrome Exercise (PULSE): Funded by the British Heart Foundation, this project aims to co-create and feasibility test a trial of a lifestyle intervention designed by people with POTS, for people with POTS.
Intelligent prediction of preterm birth using AI-empowered electrohysterography sensing: Using available EHG signals from existing datasets (one online database, one from our previous research), we aim to develop an AI solution to: 1) translate EHG to TOCO-like waveforms that could help facilitate the clinical acceptance for EHG adoption into maternal monitoring practice; and 2) predict preterm birth by an AI algorithm. Co-creation methods will be used to involve patients, the public and clinicans in the development of the algorithm and associated software and hardware. Funded by NIHR.
Digital peer-supported and peer-led self-management of mental and sexual wellbeing for people with acquired brain injury (HOPE4ABI): Co-design and feasibility testing of a new digital self-management intervention to support mental and sexual wellbeing ater acquired brain injury. Funded by NIHR.
Develop in the Open: Funded by InnovateUK, the DITO project seeks to improve patient outcomes and reduce staff administration time when developing digital systems to enable their constant improvement and remove vendor lock-in. This will be achieved by implementing an open approach to the full digital application life-cycle, developing an eObs application which will provide an essential support system to reduce deterioration of patients, and subsequent rapid response processes.
Vision Statement
Design Manager with expertise in the development of tech-based products and services to support the treatment and management of long-term health conditions. I am interested in projects which utilise the possibilities of existing and future technologies including sensor based technology and artificial intelligence to address the “wicked” problems facing us today, such as the increasing pressure on health and social care systems and inequalities in access to healthcare. I am passionate about the interplay of research and design, which can be used to create technologies that are not only functional, but also desirable to those that may benefit from them.
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
- 6 Finished
Intelligent prediction of preterm birth using AI-empowered electrohysterography sensing
Xu, Y. (Principal Investigator), Zheng, D. (Co-Investigator), Holliday, N. (Co-Investigator), Bailey, E. (Co-Investigator) & Mastoi, Q.-U.-A. (Research Fellow)
1/11/21 → 31/01/23
Project: Research
PulSE: Postural tachycardia syndrome exercise (PulSE): a randomised feasibility study
McGregor, G. (Principal Investigator), Pearce, G. (Co-Investigator) & Holliday, N. (Co-Investigator)
1/08/19 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
Magee, P. (Principal Investigator) & Holliday, N. (Co-Investigator)
4/12/17 → 31/03/21
Project: Research
GP Alliance Phase 1 Pilot study
Magee, P. (Principal Investigator), Holliday, N. (Co-Investigator), Molitor, R. (Co-Investigator) & Hill, P. (Technician)
17/02/17 → 31/03/17
Project: Research
DDRI: Understanding and co-designing mechanisms for research participation within the DDRI model
Moody, L. (Principal Investigator), Callari, T. C. (Researcher), Saunders, J. (Researcher) & Holliday, N. (Researcher)
1/01/17 → 1/07/18
Project: Internally funded project
Co-creating information on the use of smartwatches to support COPD self-management
Wilde, L., Holliday, N. & Lewko, A., 9 Sept 2024.Research output: Contribution to conference › Poster › peer-review
Co-creation of a complex, multicomponent rehabilitation intervention and feasibility trial protocol for the PostUraL tachycardia Syndrome Exercise (PULSE) study
Pearce, G., Holliday, N., Sandhu, H. K., Eftekhari, H., Bruce, J., Timms, E., Ablett, L., Kavi, L., Simmonds, J. V., Evans, R., Magee, P., Powell, R., Keogh, S. & McGregor, G., 15 Aug 2023, In: Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 9, 1, 14 p., 143.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile4 Citations (Scopus)76 Downloads (Pure) -
Usability and Preliminary Efficacy of an Artificial Intelligence–Driven Platform Supporting Dietary Management in Diabetes: Mixed Methods Study
Bul, K., Holliday, N., Bhuiyan, M. R. A., Clark, C., Allen, J. & Wark, P., 9 Aug 2023, In: Journal of Medical Internet Research Human Factors . 10, 20 p., e43959.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile1 Citation (Scopus)98 Downloads (Pure) -
Protocol update for a randomised controlled feasibility trial of exercise rehabilitation for people with postural tachycardia syndrome: the PULSE study
McGregor, G., Evans, B., Sandhu, H., Simmonds, J., Joshi, S., Devi, G., Zhupaj, A., Holliday, N., Pearce, G., Patel, C., Hee, S. W., Powell, R., Heine, P., Patel, S., Kavi, L., Bruce, J., Hayat, S., Lim, B., Eftekhari, H. & Panikker, S., 7 May 2022, In: Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 8, 5 p., 101.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile2 Citations (Scopus)154 Downloads (Pure) -
Usability and preliminary efficacy of an AI-driven platform supporting dietary management in diabetes: A mixed-method study
Bul, K., Holliday, N., Bhuiyan, M. R. A., Clark, C., Allen, J. & Wark, P., 21 Nov 2022, p. 1, 49 p.Research output: Working paper/Preprint › Preprint
Accessible Digital Musical Instruments : Approaches, Design, Evaluation
Holliday, N. (Speaker)
29 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
COPD and Smartwatches Website Launch Event
Wilde, L. (Speaker) & Holliday, N. (Chair)
27 Nov 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Public Engagement Event
Frontiers in Digital Health (Journal)
Bul, K. (Section Editor), Holliday, N. (Section Editor) & Luhanga, E. (Section Editor)
1 May 2023 → 31 Dec 2023Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
"If it works it would be bliss" - findings from a literature review and workshop with nurses
Holliday, N. (Speaker)
3 Dec 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
The use of co-creation tools in health technology research: review and comparison with traditional methods
Holliday, N. (Speaker)
10 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Highly Commended Award for Outstanding Paper
Ward, G. (Recipient), Holliday, N. (Recipient), Fielden, S. (Recipient) & Williams, S. (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
File -
Local Interest Group of the Year
Holliday, N. (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)