12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Nakul Chandan with the persons below:
Richard James Powell
Person: Doctorate Student
Sally Abbott
- Centre for Healthcare and Communities - Assistant Professor (Research)
Person: Teaching and Research
David McWilliams
- Centre for Healthcare and Communities - Professor in Health Services Research
Person: Teaching and Research
Ruth Ashton
- Centre for Physical Activity, Sport and Exercise Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Teaching and Research
Djordje Jakovljevic
- Centre for Health and Life Sciences - Professor of Cardiovascular and Lifestyle Medicine
Person: Teaching and Research
Nikki Holliday
- Centre for Healthcare and Communities - Design Manager for Prototype Design, Testing and Regulation
Person: Professional Services
Ala Szczepura
- Centre for Healthcare and Communities - Professor of Health Technology Assessment
Person: Teaching and Research
Gemma Pearce
- Centre for Healthcare and Communities - Associate Professor (Research)
Person: Teaching and Research
Professor Deborah Lycett, PhD
- Senior Research Management Group - Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) (Skills and Education)
Person: Professional Services