12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Katharine Jones with the persons below:
Duru Imrie-Kuzu
- Research Centre for Peace and Security - Associate Professor (Research)
Person: Teaching and Research
Ioannis Chapsos
- Research Centre for Peace and Security - Assistant Professor Research
Person: Teaching and Research
Esra Kaytaz
- Research Centre for Peace and Security - Assistant Professor Research
Person: Teaching and Research
Hazel Barrett
- Research Centre for Peace and Security - Professor in Development Geography
Person: Teaching and Research
Sinead Ouillon
- Research Centre for Peace and Security - Programme Leader Coventry City-University Initiative
Person: Doctorate Student, Professional Services
Ann-Marie Nienaber
- Research Centre for Peace and Security - Professor in Human Resource Management and Organisation Behaviour
Person: Teaching and Research
Sarah Kate Merry
- Research Centre in Postdigital Cultures - Research Fellow
Person: Teaching and Research
Dimitrios Kafteranis
- Research Centre for Financial & Corporate Integrity - Assistant Professor (Research)
Person: Teaching and Research
Daniel Range
- Research Centre for Peace and Security - Assistant Professor (Research)
Person: Teaching and Research
Kevin Broughton
- Research Centre for Business in Society - Assistant Professor Research
Person: Teaching and Research