8 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Chris Smith with the persons below:
Rachele Dini
- CAS School of Social Sciences & Humanities - Lecturer in English Literature and Creative Writing
Person: Teaching and Research
Amber Martin-Woodhead
- School of Energy, Construction and Environment - Assistant Professor Academic
Person: Teaching and Research
Elizabeth Benjamin
- Research Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities - Assistant Professor (Research)
Person: Teaching and Research
Rachel Matthews
- Senior Research Management Group - Associate Director for Research and Engagement
Person: Teaching and Research
Ben Dew
- Research Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities - Associate Professor
Person: Teaching and Research
Marie-Louise Crawley
- Research Centre for Dance Research - Assistant Professor in Dance and Cultural Engagement
Person: Teaching and Research
Alex Vines
- CAS School of Social Sciences & Humanities - Assistant Professor (Academic)
Person: Teaching and Research
Anthony Luvera
- Research Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities - Associate Professor Research
Person: Teaching and Research