6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Adegoke Olubanwo with the persons below:
John Karadelis
- School of Energy, Construction and Environment - Assistant Professor (Academic)
Person: Teaching and Research
Messaoud Saidani
- Senior Research Management Group - Associate Director of Research and Engagement
Person: Teaching and Research
Morteza Khorami
- School of Energy, Construction and Environment - Lecturer in Civil Engineering Structural Design
Person: Teaching and Research
Samson Ngambi
- School of Energy, Construction and Environment - Assistant Professor (Academic)
Person: Teaching and Research
Alfred Gand
- School of Energy, Construction and Environment - Lecturer in Civil Engineering
Person: Teaching and Research
Eoin Coakley
- School of Energy, Construction and Environment - Curriculum Lead Associate Professor - Academic
Person: Teaching and Research