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2019: Shortlisted for RAC Motoring Book of the Year award
Hull, Nick (Recipient), 20 Nov 2019
Prize: Other distinction
Ars Electronica Futurelab (Artist in Residence Award), Linz, Austria (2014)
Georgiou, Darryl (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Art Commission Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council for The Public Gallery
Georgiou, Darryl (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Other distinction
Artist in Residence at the National Collections of Photography (CNCP) 2011-2015
Georgiou, Darryl (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Arts Council Travel and Training Award
O'Sullivan, Elaine (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best Paper Award: 1st Runners Up
Gadakari, Tulika (Recipient), 15 Oct 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
British Council Research Fellowship
Dudley, Jennifer (Recipient), Oct 2018
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Constantino Award for Art, sponsored by the Ergobank, for 'Screen Memories'
Georgiou, Darryl (Recipient), 1996
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Design Trust/ M+ Research Fellowship 2016
Kei, Juliana (Recipient) & Cooper, Daniel (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
First Prize in Study and Research
Sadri, Hossein (Recipient), 1994
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
First Prize in Study and Research
Sadri, Hossein (Recipient), 1996
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
First Prize in Study and Research
Sadri, Hossein (Recipient), 1997
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Garfield Weston Artist Residency Award
Macaulay, Matthew (Recipient), Dec 2012
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Gulbenkian Foundation Award
Georgiou, Darryl (Recipient), 1997
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
India-Sheffield Postgraduate Scholarship
Gadakari, Tulika (Recipient), 1 Sept 2009
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Kinopixel: Exploding the Image (Structural Materialist Experiments), Herbert Art Gallery/Arts Council England, 2008
Georgiou, Darryl (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Other distinction
New Frontiers: Entrepreneur Development Programme
O'Sullivan, Elaine (Recipient), 2018
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Newton Fund and British Council collaborative research grant under the Researcher Links Scheme
Gadakari, Tulika (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
NUI Denis Phelan Scholarship
O'Sullivan, Elaine (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
NUI Travelling Studentship in Humanities and Social Sciences
O'Sullivan, Elaine (Recipient), 2010
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
People’s Choice The New Art Gallery Walsall (1 March 2017 -25 February 2018).
Georgiou, Darryl (Recipient), 31 Mar 2017
Prize: National/international honour
PhD Scholarship Research Grant
Gadakari, Tulika (Recipient), 1 Feb 2011
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Sensory Autism (Spectrum) project, AHRC, 2004-2009
Georgiou, Darryl (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Other distinction
The Arts Society's Lecturing Academy, Fully Funded Place
Dudley, Jennifer (Recipient), Aug 2018
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
The Audio Bounce/Sound Corridor, Grants For The Arts (ACE), 2009-2011
Georgiou, Darryl (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Other distinction
United Artists (Media Arts Fellowship), Arts Council England, 2004-2008
Georgiou, Darryl (Recipient), 2004
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Warwick Creative Exchange and Coventry University Open Call Fund. Grant awarded.
Georgiou, Darryl (Recipient), Tolley, Rebekah (Recipient), Patel, Tarla (Recipient) & Sandhu, Dr Harbinder (Recipient), 12 Jan 2018
Prize: Other distinction
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Warwick Creative Exchange and Coventry University Open Call Fund. Second Stage Grant awarded.
Georgiou, Darryl (Recipient), Tolley, Rebekah (Recipient), Patel, Tarla (Recipient) & Sandhu, Dr Harbinder (Recipient), Jan 2019
Prize: Other distinction
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Young Researcher Award for ‘High Definition’ works in Hong Kong
Georgiou, Darryl (Recipient), 1998
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
’Market Engineering Award for Automotive Technology Journalism’
Hull, Nick (Recipient), 20 Nov 2018
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)