Nog nooit waren topvoetballers zo fit, slim en snel als nu. Dat belooft wat voor het komende toernooi: Waarom dit zomaar het beste EK ooit kan worden

Press/Media: Research


Never before have top footballers been as fit, smart and fast as they are now. That promises something for the coming tournament: Why this could easily become the best European Championship ever.

Our research ws used and referenced in this article to inform the discussion about players in the 2024 Mens Football European Championship.

Nevill, A. M., Okojie, D. I., Smith, J., O'Donoghue, P. G., & Webb, T. (2019). Are professional footballers becoming lighter and more ectomorphic? Implications for talent identification and development. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 14(3), 329-335. Advance online publication.

Period21 Jun 2024

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