This seminar examines the current situation of curating and institutions of display (museums, galleries, etc.), situating these practices at the intersection of two ongoing crises: colonial and neoliberal. Since the re-emergence of the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, critiques of the colonial legacies of museums and exhibitions and demands for a decolonial role for these institutions have increased internationally. At the same time, museums have undergone a restructuring based on neoliberal business models that measure value in terms of growth in funding, programmed activities and audience numbers. This shift has steered programming away from risk-taking and critical experimental practices. This seminar examines these two scenarios and explores their implications for contemporary exhibition making.
The afternoon workshop builds on these discussions to explore new functions and possibilities for the future of institutions of display.
13 Sept 2023
Held at
George Enescu National University of the Arts, Romania