Special Interest Group on Particulate Matter Filtration Flows in Automotive and Marine Applications (External organisation)

  • Svetlana Aleksandrova (Chair)
  • Andrew Williams (Chair)
  • Humberto Medina (Member)
  • Benjamin, S. (Member)
  • Nwabueze Emekwuru (Member)

Activity: MembershipMembership of working group


The group has been established by Svetlana Aleksandrova (Coventry University) and Andrew Williams (Loughborough University). Group's focus is particulate matter filtration flows, in aftertreatment and other systems. With rapidly tightening emissions regulations for land and sea transport, this research area urgently needs a boost, which will be facilitated by bringing together industry and academia, as well as traditionally separated marine and automotive research communities.

The group's activities involve, but are not limited to:
- organising 2 meetings a year
- development of resources for UK Fluids Network and wider community (knowledge base, guides to PM regulations, resources on modelling filtration flows, UK research facility and capacity database, instructional videos, tutorials)
- creating a collaboration networks and engaging both academic and industry in particulate matter flow research
- defining targets and building consortia for funding bids
Period1 Dec 20161 Dec 2019
Held atSpecial Interest Group on Particulate Matter Filtration Flows in Automotive and Marine Applications, United Kingdom
Degree of RecognitionNational