OIL Project Lead Hong Kong [Online International Learning Project] with Haking Wong, Sha Tin and Kwai Chung Campus, VTC,  2017

  • Sathees Kunjuthamby (Organiser)

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in workshop, seminar, course


    This was the first collaboration for Sathees Kunjuthamby with VTC in Hong Kong and their first OIL Project together. The OIL Project Sathees designed for this collaboration was called: How the concept of “economies of scope” can help companies to develop a sound diversification strategy. Students from three different campuses at VTC were participating: ST (Sha Tin), HW (Haking Wong) and KC (Kwai Chung). Students from all four universities including Coventry University were provided with a number of business case studies with allocated case study questions. Presentation slides, video presentations and short reports were produced during the three months plus online business debates on our shared platform.. Overall 47 students completed the OIL Project successfully.
    PeriodSept 2016Jan 2017
    Event typeOther