EGU General Assembly 2020

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference


EGU2020-20734: Towards multi-method and multi-scale attribution of global wildfire danger
EGU2020-16129: Quantifying the added value of downscaling in extreme precipitation attribution
EGU2020-10353: Modulation of regional precipitation and groundwater level variability by large-scale oceanic/atmospheric circulation over interannual and interdecadal scales
EGU2020-4385: Analysing and projecting spatial drought conditions of the Seine catchment based on ocean-atmosphere oscillations over interannual and decadal scales
EGU2020-9606:ENSO continuum and its impacts on worldwide precipitation: Observation vs. CMIP5/6
Period4 Apr 20208 Apr 2020
Event typeConference
Degree of RecognitionInternational